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Ode to My wife”                                                                                         27 Sep. 2012

I love my wife more than myself,
More than my life, more than the universe,
More than the money!! More than being prince.
She is my honey, and I will evince. 

My days without her are empty,
Even if they are full of work and busy.
Rahma (رحمه) is her name, which is, in English, mercy.
I am in love with her deeply and widely. 

I wish she were with me now and then and again.
She is the blood in my veins and the ink of my pen.
She is my soul, goal, control, she is my BBC and CNN.
I love you (رحمه) now and again.

“Oh, God, keep her and keep love,” please say “Amen”. 






Love forever, Cairo                                                                                  Nov. 8/2012

Let me fly to the city of heart,

Let me draw its beautiful art,

Let me breathe its beautiful breezes,

And let me hug the beautiful memories.

Cairo, to me, you’re the sun and the moon


Cairo, your face is a piece of paradise,

And your name is a piece of dream.

I never never realized

That I love love you to the bone.

Cairo, I am hugging you very soon


I miss you more than you can imagine

and dream of you day and night.

I talk to you and see your vision.

Tell me; am I in your love right?

Cairo, I am not leaving you anymore


Everything in you makes me love you:

People, weather, crowd, and food,

Nile River, Pyramids, Sphinx, and more

You’ve magic stuck forever to my soul

Love forever, Cairo

                                                                                                          Nov. 15/2012

The song of “Me”        


I talk to the sun, I sleep with the moon.

I go to the stars, play till the noon.

My vehicle is the air, I wash it with rain.

I park on the clouds, thunder is my sound. 


Lightning is my torch, I hide and I emerge.

I eat, I drink, I feel and sing.

Animals are my friends, and my power never ends.

Do you know me know?

Guess who I am?






They and them                                                                                                


Who told you? They told me. Who did you ask? I asked them?

Who are they? It really sucks when I always hear this unbearable

 repetitive pronoun. No one knows who they are! Even the speaker.

They said, they said, it is them who said.


Who are they?

            Who are they?

                                    Who are they?

They said, have said, had said, have been saying, say,

are saying, will say, will be going to say, are going to say, will have said. They

said everything, all things, anything, something and all you can imagine.


Who are they?

            Who are they?

                                    Who are they?


We will be in chaos if this pronoun remains in use

Finish it, vanish it, quit it, destroy it and be logical


Be logical

            Be logical

                        Be logical




English pronouns                                                                                       


I wanna know all the pronouns and I am gonna sing them

Subject and object are my now target

I me you you  they them we us

She her he him, we are in a bus


My mine are fine

your yours go and use

their theirs lovely pairs

our ours big towers

her hers sweet shares

his his no less

its its nice hits


I you they we

He she it is me




My Father    


I have a father, but not like any father

Kind: raised me and taught me.

Strong: hit me when I made mistakes

Religious: taught me and guided me to God

Rich but not rich: didn’t let me work only for the sake of money


I live in a culture where parents are given the

First priority. No one else is before them.

If you live there, you should respect your parents more

Than you respect any others. Then come yourself and

Your love.


Your Mom’s hand is to  be kissed everyday in

The morning before

You go out to work or class.

That is a sign. Why is hand? Hand is representing every giving

Such as: love, kindness, money, help, breastfeeding, carrying … etc


Mother mother father father. They are everything for an Arabian man





My professors                                                                                            


I like my professors, respect them.


Love them is a must. They are my biggest source of knowledge.

One person built many others. It is the professor

Very much I like them.

Every day, I praise them 


And I can’t tell them off.

Little knowledge indicates few professors

Little knowledge indicates one didn’t respect his professors


O God, help them and bless them

F or A or whatever grade they give me, I still love them


They helped me a lot.

Here or there, they remain in the heart

Every one of them, I respect

Moreover and forever I love them, 






The Egyptian Revolution


Freedom was our target where we gathered in

Tahrir Square. It was not easy, never easy. We died for it, we really loved it.

We love you, Egypt. We are ready to die for you.

Freedom is a must, was a must, and will be a must forever.


“False when you say people can’t do it”, we facebooked and tweeted.

“Right when you accept the truth, the reality, what people want”, we commented.

“Eat, drink, sleep, but don’t leave your rights, never give them up”, we uttered.

“Every moment you repel is you’re your real love to your country”, we said.

“Don’t  be afraid, never be frightened, you’ve got rights, come protest, Egyptians” we continued.

“Or you and us will be buried, be killed, be oppressed, be mocked”, we cried.

“Morning would never be anymore, it will be mourning”, we shouted.


We succeeded only after eighteen days. We got it, we got it.

Believe it or not. We are there, just there, just because we wanted.

We gathered. We made one power, one hand. We are there. We are there.

Egypt, I am always at your service.







أنا ابن يعقوب اللذي * * * هو واحد من أشهر ال population


محب للعلوم وادبها * * * وعاشق لكليته كلية الeducation


دارس للاداب بكل أشكالها * * * وأستاذ ومتقن للtranslation


حلمه أن يصير علمه * * * مثل البحر بل مثل الocean


عاشق لأبيه وأمه وصحبه * * * وكل من تربطه به أيrelation


قال في الناس قولة * * * هبو على اثرها للrevolution


ثم هاجت الدنيا وماجت * * * حتى قال هلمو لتعديل الconstitution


رجل رأى الشعب المصري * * * شعب تحكمه الemotion


فأحب أن يهديهم نصيحة * * * لعلها تكون بمثابة الlotion


الا ايها الشعب العظيم انني * * * أرى الهدؤ لكم خيرsolution


اهدؤو اتنيلو واعدو في بيوتكم * * * كفاية هتدمرو اقتصاد الnation


ومحدش يزعل مني يا جماعه * * * ويلا استمتعو بالvacation


(هذه القصيده كتبتها أيام الثوره وابن يعقوب هو لست أنا تحديدا بل أي شخص شايف ان له دور في الثورة مهم وكل الشعب كان ذاك الرجل للأسف)






رفعتو مصر يافلتاويه ومصر بيكم فرحانه
محشي يامه وملوخيه النفس ليهم شهيانه
قالتي يابني اتنيل: بقالك مية سنه بتكلهم ويانا
مصر يابني في رقبتك, تسع شهور وهتبقى معانا

* * *
قلتلها يا اما انا تعبان وزهقان وقرفان
ولبلدي انا بقيت أووووووووي لهفان
قالتلي يابني انت نسيت ايام زمان
انت كل اللي كان عليك عاوز اسافر أمريكا
اديك سافرت يابن الحلال وبقيت في أم أمريكا
يابني الناس هتقول ابني رجع خيبان وهربان
ولا الخوجات يقولو ايه ...
شباب مصر مفيهمش جدعان
اصبر يابني ... اصبر يابني اصبررر
اهدي شوية كده واستعيذ من الشيطان
وياويلك لو رجعت والله ماهتلاقي الا شبشب الحمام
يا امه حرام عليك بقا أنا كبرت 
والكلام ده كلام عيال
اسم الله عليك ياحبيبي
طالما انت عارف انك كبرت
على الرجوع ليه لهفان؟
يابني اصبر .. فإن اخر الصبر جمال
ولولا الصبر ياولدي ماعاش على الدنيا انسان
* * * 
يامه ولاية ميزوري وحشه أوي مش عجباني
أصل انا كنت بحسبهم هيودوني مكان تاني
اظهر وبان عليك الامان
دا انت كنت هتموت لما اخرو الاعلان
وقلت يقولولي ان شاء الله يودوني اليابان أو حتى باكستان
المهم اطلع برا البلد دي ال ......؟
ولا نسيت ياواد ياجبان
جاي تقول دلوقتي ميزوري وابصرزوري وشوية حكايات
يابني الخيرة فيما اختاره الله
ارضى يابني بقضاء الله
ماشي يامه خلاص متقوليش لحد 
أنا اقتنعت ومروح يوم الحد

* * * 
انت عبيط يابني ولا ايه
شباب ايه شباب الهم دول
اسمع ياولاه
لو جيت هتشتكي من وزارة ال education
ومش هيعجبك حال ال nation
ومش هتلاقي شغل وهتفضل طول عمرك في vacation
ومش هيبقى بيني وبينك أي relation
ويالا ياواد يا أعجب وأكسل generation

معلهش يا امي انا اسف سامحيني
والله وربنا وحياة لا اله الا الله أقنعتيني
أنا هصبر يامه بس ادعيلي 
ومش هتشوفي وشي الا وأنا مشرف بلدي وديني
* * *
دعيالك يابني ياحبيبي
وكل الشتيمه دي بتقطع فيني
انا بس يابني حبيت اقنعك بكلام جيلك وجيلي
يابني روح ربنا يحبب فيك خلقه, ربنا يرزقك ويرجعك مجبور الخاطر, سعيد ومبسوط, وجيوبك مليانه دولارات (أهم حاجه الدولارات ياجدعان)


(هذه القصيده الحلمنتيشيه كتبتها في أول أيام المنحه لتصبير زملائنا (الفلتاويه) FLTAs اسم برنامجنا في منحة الفولبرايت الذين كانو يعانون من الغربه ويريدون النزول الى مصر وترك المنحه وبالفعل اثنين منهم فعلو ذلك)

all these poems were written in 2012






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